Following on from my article on 12 December last “Google Now Officially Showing Mobile Friendly Labels” the search supremo’s have taken the unprecedented step of sending mass scale notifications via email and Webmaster Tools warning sites that are not mobile-friendly that it will cause issues for them if they want to rank well for smartphone users, the first time it has sent this kind of notification to webmasters. In the past Google only notified sites that were supposedly mobile friendly, when it has “mobile usability issues”, this to me is a sure indication that their new “mobile ranking” algorithm which has been in test mode for some months may well be going mainstream in the very near future - so Forearmed is forewarned and all that! To find out how Google sees your website Click here to go to the Google developer link, enter you full URL and click “Analyse” and Google will deliver its report in a matter of seconds.
Showing posts with label Algorithm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algorithm. Show all posts
Following on from my article on 12 December last “Google Now Officially Showing Mobile Friendly Labels” the search supremo’s have taken the unprecedented step of sending mass scale notifications via email and Webmaster Tools warning sites that are not mobile-friendly that it will cause issues for them if they want to rank well for smartphone users, the first time it has sent this kind of notification to webmasters. In the past Google only notified sites that were supposedly mobile friendly, when it has “mobile usability issues”, this to me is a sure indication that their new “mobile ranking” algorithm which has been in test mode for some months may well be going mainstream in the very near future - so Forearmed is forewarned and all that! To find out how Google sees your website Click here to go to the Google developer link, enter you full URL and click “Analyse” and Google will deliver its report in a matter of seconds.
I tweeted yesterday that there was a lot of webmaster chatter about recent reshuffles in Google's search returns & I thought here we go again yet another algorithm change. I have now had confirmation that the update is neither Penguin or Panda related & just another tweak, one of many hundreds that have occurred in recent years, so immediate panic off, but there are noticeable shifts in search returns. As I learn more I will of course report back!
GOOGLE UPDATE! :: Panic Off - Just Another Algorithm Tweak
December 01, 2016
I recently wrote about Google´s™ new Pigeon algo update and members of my Inner Sanctum have already had the inside track on what measures to adopt to ensure that their content will be irresistible to the Pigeon. So first, what is Google™ Pigeon? Well in a nutshell, it is a fairly sophisticated update which focuses on tailoring local search results so that Google™ users can find services in their specific area easier. Having said that Pigeon is a local search update, it does actually count web content in its changes. This is because your web content needs to be location specific if you want to rank in local searches – makes sense, right? How will Google™ Pigeon affect you and your rankings? The update is mainly going to impact and affect your local search ranking. Unlike previous updates like Penguin and Panda you will not receive penalties for your content, so you can relax on that score. It is, however, going to impact where your site appears in the SERPs when someone in your area is looking for a business that offers whatever you offer. For example, if you are a Dentist in London, then someone searching for that search term is more likely to find you. To start learning the best techniques for writing for Pigeon Click here to join my Inner Sanctum and I will send you my definitive guide to Feeding the Pigeon absolutely free!
SEO :: Don't ruffle this birds feathers!
October 22, 2014
By now everybody with an online presence must surely have heard about Google`s Panda and Penguin updates which were essentailly designed to de-rank under-performing or "spammy" sites. However, a few days ago Google pushed out a new and major algo update for local search (which one of the industry's leading SEO resources "Search Engine Land" has dubbed the "Pigeon" update). There aren't many details disclosed about the so-called "Pigeon" update yet, but webmasters have been reporting considerable changes in their local rankings over the past few days - I am speaking with all my contacts to find out exactly how "Pigeon" will affect your rankings and how to adapt your SEO strategy for the changes. For first dibs on my findings Click Here to Join My Inner Sanctum or log back onto this blog again - meanwhile Click here NOW to give your website a Free SEO Audit with SEO Power Suite and thank me later!
SEO :: Pigeon Post
October 04, 2014
SEO - With our busy schedules where do we find the time to conduct in-depth analysis of our site's & blogs strengths and weaknesses? Regular glances at some of your Google Analytics reports, ranking positions overviews and Facebook likes & shares don't count. Such cursory behaviour is not enough to prepare you to take action BEFORE the next Google algorithm beast gobbles up your organic traffic or one of your strong competitors outruns you.
To make the task easier, I have set up a great opportunity for not just members my Inner Sanctum but also regular visitors to my blog to prepare you all for the never-ending Google game with unrestricted access to 14 free Internet Marketing Tools courtesy of Click here to get started now & Thank me later!
SEO :: Staying ahead of the Google monster!
September 26, 2014