According to a report on Reddit, some e-cigarettes appear to contain malware that can be inhaled by PCs and laptops when plugged into a USB port to charge. One user detailed a data breach story at a "large corporation" where a seemingly secured computer was infected with malware from an unknown source. The firms IT team went into snoop mode and eventually deduced that the malware came from a Chinese e-cigarette. Apparently the malware had been hard-coded into the charger infecting the hapless users system once it was plugged into a USB port. While fellow Reddit users piled in with predictable opinions, the consensus was to avoid charging e-cigarettes via USB and to stick to wall chargers. My advice would be NOT to buy anything manufactured in China!
Showing posts with label E-Cigarettes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E-Cigarettes. Show all posts
According to a report on Reddit, some e-cigarettes appear to contain malware that can be inhaled by PCs and laptops when plugged into a USB port to charge. One user detailed a data breach story at a "large corporation" where a seemingly secured computer was infected with malware from an unknown source. The firms IT team went into snoop mode and eventually deduced that the malware came from a Chinese e-cigarette. Apparently the malware had been hard-coded into the charger infecting the hapless users system once it was plugged into a USB port. While fellow Reddit users piled in with predictable opinions, the consensus was to avoid charging e-cigarettes via USB and to stick to wall chargers. My advice would be NOT to buy anything manufactured in China!