I tweeted yesterday that there was a lot of webmaster chatter about recent reshuffles in Google's search returns & I thought here we go again yet another algorithm change. I have now had confirmation that the update is neither Penguin or Panda related & just another tweak, one of many hundreds that have occurred in recent years, so immediate panic off, but there are noticeable shifts in search returns. As I learn more I will of course report back!
Showing posts with label Panda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panda. Show all posts
I tweeted yesterday that there was a lot of webmaster chatter about recent reshuffles in Google's search returns & I thought here we go again yet another algorithm change. I have now had confirmation that the update is neither Penguin or Panda related & just another tweak, one of many hundreds that have occurred in recent years, so immediate panic off, but there are noticeable shifts in search returns. As I learn more I will of course report back!
SEO - With our busy schedules where do we find the time to conduct in-depth analysis of our site's & blogs strengths and weaknesses? Regular glances at some of your Google Analytics reports, ranking positions overviews and Facebook likes & shares don't count. Such cursory behaviour is not enough to prepare you to take action BEFORE the next Google algorithm beast gobbles up your organic traffic or one of your strong competitors outruns you.
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SEO :: Staying ahead of the Google monster!
September 26, 2014