According to a report on Reddit, some e-cigarettes appear to contain malware that can be inhaled by PCs and laptops when plugged into a USB port to charge. One user detailed a data breach story at a "large corporation" where a seemingly secured computer was infected with malware from an unknown source. The firms IT team went into snoop mode and eventually deduced that the malware came from a Chinese e-cigarette. Apparently the malware had been hard-coded into the charger infecting the hapless users system once it was plugged into a USB port. While fellow Reddit users piled in with predictable opinions, the consensus was to avoid charging e-cigarettes via USB and to stick to wall chargers. My advice would be NOT to buy anything manufactured in China!
Showing posts with label Security vulnerability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Security vulnerability. Show all posts
According to a report on Reddit, some e-cigarettes appear to contain malware that can be inhaled by PCs and laptops when plugged into a USB port to charge. One user detailed a data breach story at a "large corporation" where a seemingly secured computer was infected with malware from an unknown source. The firms IT team went into snoop mode and eventually deduced that the malware came from a Chinese e-cigarette. Apparently the malware had been hard-coded into the charger infecting the hapless users system once it was plugged into a USB port. While fellow Reddit users piled in with predictable opinions, the consensus was to avoid charging e-cigarettes via USB and to stick to wall chargers. My advice would be NOT to buy anything manufactured in China!
—Google has temporarily disabled the use of prepaid cards on its retail platform as it looks to remedy a high-profile security vulnerability which could allow an attacker to steal users' credentials.
Tags: Business Telecom, Google, Wallet Service, Security vulnerability
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Tags: Business Telecom, Google, Wallet Service, Security vulnerability
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Security threat causes Google to disable its Wallet service
February 21, 2012